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About this website is the website of Tim Pharoah. It is about living and about transport, and especially about how important it is to fit the two together.

What can I find here?

Information on urban transport and planning projects and topics with which Tim Pharoah has been professionally involved, including downloadable reports, and links to relevant websites. There are also many transport and planning images in the Gallery.

New material is being added all the time, so check back from time to time.

What is it for?

This website is intended as a resource for professionals and others interested in integrated transport and land use, and who are looking for examples and evidence of what works and what doesn't. It is also intended to help clarify urban transport concepts and ideas in what can be a complex and confusing subject area.

Whose values and opinions?

This website is not value-free. Tim Pharoah's life in transport has been motivated and shaped by a strong instinct for what is now commonly called "sustainable transport". For more than 50 years he has argued for the arrangement of towns and cities to avoid reliance on car travel. The convivial arrangement of land uses and activities should be the main determinant of transport, not the other way round.

"Movement is necessary only insofar as accessibility requires it."

"The highest achievement in transport planning is a short walk trip"

the late J Michael Thomson

How can I use it?

The site is designed so that information can be found whatever your starting point. Whether you are interested in a place, a project, a topic or a concept, the search facilities should get you quickly to the relevant pages. Once you have found what you are looking for, all the material is free to copy and download as you please, although acknowledgement of the source in any subsequent use will be much appreciated.

Can I contribute?

Comments can be left via the Contact page. Suggestions for addition or improvement of content can also be sent by email to

Within the various articles there may be instances where my memory has failed, or where my interpretation of events is lacking. Suggestions for improvements and corrections will be welcome.

If you have knowledge of any of the various places or projects presented on this website, up-to-date information on how the story has unfolded will be very much appreciated.

More about Tim Pharoah